Prepped and ready produce
Dewfresh is part of Bidfood’s exclusive family of brands.
Dewfresh provides fresh, ripe and delicious ready-to-go produce.
The Dewfresh fruit and vegetable selection has been designed to give customers a varied selection of products with an array of applications.
Pre sliced and diced and packed for freshness, the Dewfresh range saves on kitchen prep work and reduces wastage.
What’s in the range?
Diced apples
Sliced mushrooms
Frozen peas
Tinned peaches
slices & halves
Tinned pineapple thins, pieces, slices & pizza cut
Tinned pears
slices & halves
Frozen carrots
whole, diced & sliced
Frozen beans
whole & sliced
Frozen vegetable mixes
Frozen broccoli florets
Frozen corn kernels
Frozen cauliflower florets
Tinned pitted cherries
Tinned beetroot
whole, diced & sliced
Tinned apricot halves
Tinned fruit salad
& two fruits
Tinned pitted prunes
Cherry on top.
Mix some fruit and vegetables into your menu. Shop online with myBidfood and order Dewfresh today.