Shores Reach BLACK 1
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Shore's Reach.

Regionally diverse Victorian wine

Shore's Reach is part of Bidfood’s exclusive family of brands.

Shore’s Reach is a range of accessible Victorian wines curated from regional havens where the land meets the sea.

Australian made

Shore's Reach pays homage to regional pockets of wine production across Victoria. With vines grown near the maritime breeze of the Mornington Peninsula, to the tranquil Murray plains of Rutherglen.


An expert selection of quality grapes make up this thoughtfully presented, classic collection of signature Australian wines.

Take a look for yourself.

The Shore's Reach range.

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Shore’s Reach Pinot Noir

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Shore’s Reach Shiraz

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Shore’s Reach Pinot Gris

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Shore’s Reach Chardonnay

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Shore’s Reach Rosé